
System of a Cell

Author's Note: Since I kind of hate Prezi, I made this picture diagram thing. What you do is look at the picture a letter is pointing to on the diagram, then go find the letter in the writing area and it tells you what that image is of, what cell part it is supposed to represent and why. Good Luck! Oh and by the way, I did a Castle.


  1. Cell Wall-a wall surrounding castle, because it protects the castle from invaders and let's people know how far the castle goes. Also, because castle walls keep things not wanted out, and makes sure that the castle doesn't over exceed its land space, and go into a different territory. Just like cell walls keep the cells inside from bursting during osmosis.

  1. Cell Membrane- wall guards, these reinforce the castle wall, and if the wall fails they are there to protect the castle and Just like the cell membrane wall guards, protect the castle from people or things that would harm it. You could consider some of the things that they keep out the equivalent of sicknesses and bad bacteria

  1. Ribosomes- venders, merchants, servants normal village workers because ribosomes make proteins which are more like lower class workers and merchants servants, or venders are like middle class workers, who would use or train lower class workers such as slaves. Ribosomes also kind of determine what a protein is going to do, and these people might train others for jobs kind of like apprenticeship and decide what would be best for them to do.

  1. Chloroplast- orchards, food venders, farmers, chefs because the chloroplast provides food and so do these people/things. These things supply the food for everyone in the castle, just like chloroplasts although with chloroplasts it would come in the form of glucose.

  1. Endoplasmic Reticulum- messengers, because they are kind of like the mailmen of the castle, they carry messages to the rest of the other people.Castle messengers would fit under this category, because just like the endoplasmic reticulum it they carry messages throughout the castle, and even beyond it.

  1. Mitochondria- Fire, mill if we are talking about a medieval castle, then there would be no real power source, but fire would be what they use for light, warmth and to cook and mills would be used as a power to run things that would assist in clothing making and food processing, and Mitochondira

  1. Cytoplasm- grass, plants, courtyards, gardens, because these serve no real purpose other than to look pretty or take up extra space. Cytoplasm serves no real purpose other than to just fill space and be there, similar to gardens and other such things, they just take up space so they don’t have to put something else there.

  1. Nucleus- King/Queen/Dictator, these people would be the brains that run the castle and tell everyone what to do, and that is what the Nucleus does, I could also say that the King and Queen have Princes and Princesses which are like daughter cells, and all of that happens in the nucleus.

  1. Nucleolous- kings advisors, or bosses, because if ribosomes are like the people who are middle class workers and they have the ability to train workers, and the nucleolus is kind of the one who sends the proteins out so that could be considered as bosses or the kinds advisors because they kind of bring the apprentices or slaves to the other workers.

  1. Golgi Bodies-packaging workers (people who work for venders/merchants and put the goods on their carts), because these people make sure that the goods that need to be sold don’t get ruined in, and Golgi Bodies package things such as proteins to make sure they get to where they need to be without being damaged.

  1. Lyosomes-Dogs, pigs, streets  because lyosomes are like the garbage men of the cell and because there are no garbage men in castles, dogs and pigs generally eat all of the table scraps and garbage. Also if it things such as waste people would just throw it into the streets.

  1. Vacuoles- food storage centers, cellars. Vacuoles store energy for a cell and food storage centers or cellars would do the same because food is a main source of energy for people and these things have the same purpose of the vacuoles.


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