Saturday, June 4, 2011


Author's Note: This Piece was inspired by the baby boy down the street and the actions of the adults around me. We babysat him last night and I was appalled at how many adults whom I know to be intelligent went to mush upon seeing him. The made funny noises and did weird things, and by the end of that night I decided I will pleasantly and happily wait until I am an adult until I fall apart from looking at a baby. I wrote this as the baby, on his thoughts of all the attention, it is just a short kind of funny piece.

Sitting here on this random person's lap I am the man.  I mean look at this. There is a lady feeding me some amazing slop and wiping it up as if she is my servant. All these dogs just mill around me panting at me, and looking up at me with their adoring eyes, or maybe their looking at the food. None of it  really matters because I am still a king, and I rule over adults. Have you ever seen the way adults act around babies, that is my point exactly. I have the invaluable power to turn adults brains to mush. They make their strange noises and faces, that ultimately make them look foolish and I of course laugh. Who wouldn't, it is hysterical they look so ridiculous and if they could understand me they probably wouldn't think that I was super cute, but they can't and I take full advantage of that.

Here comes someone right now, a strange woman whom I have no idea who she is but I don't care, because I know exactly what she is about to do. She bends down until she is right in my face and begins to speak well if you can call it speaking, "a boo,  a boo boo! Aren't you just so cute! Yes you are! Yes you are! A dododo aboo aww do bo bo do!" My evil seemingly cute laugh echoes through the room. Oh how I enjoy this power.

Most people are easy to change to mush, but men are harder. They have will power that stands against me, but I always beat them in the end. Girls are really easy, one look and they're gone, no wonder my shirt says Girls Dig Me.


  1. That is such a cool piece! Charlie looks so cute and it would be really funny if he thought like that. Good job!

  2. If you could, go back into this and revise for grammatical errors. When we write with a really different voice, as you do in this piece, we can adopt some qualities we would not otherwise include. Here you have included run-ons, and there are issues with punctuation. If you trouble finding these, see me for some help. I love the idea in general, and how you assume this voice. Research shows that parents who speak baby-talk to their children actually retard their growth in the area of language acquisition, so even when you have children, hold back on the baby-talk.
